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A Comprehensive Guide to Qlib’s Portfolio Strategy, TopkDropoutStrategy, and EnhancedIndexingStrategy

· 9 min read
Vadim Nicolai
Senior Software Engineer at Vitrifi


In Qlib, portfolio strategies turn prediction scores into actionable orders (buy/sell) for building and rebalancing a portfolio. This article will:

  1. Explain the architecture of key strategy classes.
  2. Demonstrate TopkDropoutStrategy and EnhancedIndexingStrategy in detail.
  3. Present diagrams and code blocks illustrating the step-by-step flows.

By the end, you’ll see how to plug your own predictive model scores into these strategies and make them trade automatically.

Class Hierarchy

Below is a simple diagram showing how these classes inherit from one another:

  • BaseStrategy: Core abstraction; requires a method to generate a trade decision.
  • BaseSignalStrategy: Extends BaseStrategy with “signals” (model scores).
  • TopkDropoutStrategy: Buys the top-K scoring stocks and drops the worst ones.
  • WeightStrategyBase: Uses target weights (fractions of the portfolio) rather than discrete buy/sell.
  • EnhancedIndexingStrategy: Adds advanced risk modeling for partial index tracking.

High-Level Trading Flow for Top-K

Here’s a top-down look at a generic daily (or periodic) process once your predictions are ready:

Code Walkthrough

Below we break down the code for Qlib’s portfolio strategies into sections, each supplemented by additional flow diagrams relevant to that part of the code.

1. Imports and Setup

import os
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import Dict, List, Text, Tuple, Union
from abc import ABC

from import D
from import Dataset
from qlib.model.base import BaseModel
from qlib.strategy.base import BaseStrategy
from qlib.backtest.position import Position
from qlib.backtest.signal import Signal, create_signal_from
from qlib.backtest.decision import Order, OrderDir, TradeDecisionWO
from qlib.log import get_module_logger
from qlib.utils import get_pre_trading_date, load_dataset
from qlib.contrib.strategy.order_generator import OrderGenerator, OrderGenWOInteract
from qlib.contrib.strategy.optimizer import EnhancedIndexingOptimizer


  • Core Python imports for numerical operations, data processing, and type hints.
  • Qlib-specific imports:
    • BaseStrategy, Position, Signal, and TradeDecisionWO for implementing custom strategies and managing trade decisions.
    • OrderGenerator and EnhancedIndexingOptimizer for generating orders from target weights and optimizing risk exposure.

2. BaseSignalStrategy

Below is a class diagram illustrating BaseSignalStrategy inheriting from BaseStrategy and adding a signal field:

class BaseSignalStrategy(BaseStrategy, ABC):
def __init__(
signal: Union[Signal, Tuple[BaseModel, Dataset], List, Dict, Text, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] = None,
risk_degree: float = 0.95,
signal :
Could be a Signal object or raw predictions from a model/dataset.
risk_degree : float
Fraction of total capital to invest (default 0.95).
trade_exchange : Exchange
Market info for dealing orders, generating reports, etc.
super().__init__(level_infra=level_infra, common_infra=common_infra, trade_exchange=trade_exchange, **kwargs)

self.risk_degree = risk_degree

# For backward-compatibility with (model, dataset)
if model is not None and dataset is not None:
warnings.warn("`model` `dataset` is deprecated; use `signal`.", DeprecationWarning)
signal = model, dataset

self.signal: Signal = create_signal_from(signal)

def get_risk_degree(self, trade_step=None):
"""Return the fraction of total value to allocate."""
return self.risk_degree

Key Points

  • BaseSignalStrategy extends BaseStrategy and integrates a concept of a signal (predictions).
  • risk_degree indicates what fraction of the portfolio’s capital is invested (defaults to 95%).

3. TopkDropoutStrategy

Here’s a flow diagram specifically for the generate_trade_decision method in TopkDropoutStrategy, showing how the code sorts holdings, identifies “drop” stocks, and selects new buys:

class TopkDropoutStrategy(BaseSignalStrategy):
def __init__(
topk : int
Desired number of stocks to hold.
n_drop : int
Number of stocks replaced each rebalance.
method_sell : str
Approach to dropping existing stocks (e.g. 'bottom').
method_buy : str
Approach to adding new stocks (e.g. 'top').
hold_thresh : int
Must hold a stock for at least this many days before selling.
only_tradable : bool
Ignore non-tradable stocks.
forbid_all_trade_at_limit : bool
Disallow trades if limit up/down is reached.
self.topk = topk
self.n_drop = n_drop
self.method_sell = method_sell
self.method_buy = method_buy
self.hold_thresh = hold_thresh
self.only_tradable = only_tradable
self.forbid_all_trade_at_limit = forbid_all_trade_at_limit

def generate_trade_decision(self, execute_result=None):
trade_step = self.trade_calendar.get_trade_step()
trade_start_time, trade_end_time = self.trade_calendar.get_step_time(trade_step)
pred_start_time, pred_end_time = self.trade_calendar.get_step_time(trade_step, shift=1)
pred_score = self.signal.get_signal(start_time=pred_start_time, end_time=pred_end_time)

# If no score, do nothing
if pred_score is None:
return TradeDecisionWO([], self)

# If multiple columns, pick the first
if isinstance(pred_score, pd.DataFrame):
pred_score = pred_score.iloc[:, 0]

# Helper functions for picking top/bottom stocks...

# Copy current position
current_temp: Position = copy.deepcopy(self.trade_position)
sell_order_list = []
buy_order_list = []
cash = current_temp.get_cash()
current_stock_list = current_temp.get_stock_list()

# Sort current holdings by descending score
last = pred_score.reindex(current_stock_list).sort_values(ascending=False).index

# Identify new stocks to buy

# Figure out which existing stocks to sell

# Create Sell Orders

# Create Buy Orders

return TradeDecisionWO(sell_order_list + buy_order_list, self)

Key Points

  • The “top-K, drop worst-K” concept is implemented by comparing current holdings to the broader universe of stocks sorted by score.
  • Some specifics:
    • method_sell can be "bottom", so you drop the lowest-scored holdings.
    • method_buy can be "top", so you pick the top new stocks that aren’t in the portfolio.

4. WeightStrategyBase

Below is a quick diagram for how WeightStrategyBase converts target weights into final orders:

class WeightStrategyBase(BaseSignalStrategy):
def __init__(
if isinstance(order_generator_cls_or_obj, type):
self.order_generator: OrderGenerator = order_generator_cls_or_obj()
self.order_generator: OrderGenerator = order_generator_cls_or_obj

def generate_target_weight_position(self, score, current, trade_start_time, trade_end_time):
Subclasses must override this to return:
{stock_id: target_weight}
raise NotImplementedError()

def generate_trade_decision(self, execute_result=None):
trade_step = self.trade_calendar.get_trade_step()
trade_start_time, trade_end_time = self.trade_calendar.get_step_time(trade_step)
pred_start_time, pred_end_time = self.trade_calendar.get_step_time(trade_step, shift=1)
pred_score = self.signal.get_signal(start_time=pred_start_time, end_time=pred_end_time)
if pred_score is None:
return TradeDecisionWO([], self)

current_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.trade_position)
assert isinstance(current_temp, Position)

# Let the subclass produce the weights
target_weight_position = self.generate_target_weight_position(
score=pred_score, current=current_temp, trade_start_time=trade_start_time, trade_end_time=trade_end_time

# Convert weights -> Orders
order_list = self.order_generator.generate_order_list_from_target_weight_position(
return TradeDecisionWO(order_list, self)

Key Points

  • WeightStrategyBase uses a target-weight approach: you specify a final allocation for each stock.
  • The built-in order_generator calculates how many shares to buy/sell to achieve the target allocation.

5. EnhancedIndexingStrategy

Lastly, a diagram shows how this strategy merges model scores with factor data and a benchmark:

class EnhancedIndexingStrategy(WeightStrategyBase):
Combines active and passive management, aiming to
outperform a benchmark index while controlling tracking error.

FACTOR_EXP_NAME = "factor_exp.pkl"
FACTOR_COV_NAME = "factor_cov.pkl"
SPECIFIC_RISK_NAME = "specific_risk.pkl"
BLACKLIST_NAME = "blacklist.pkl"

def __init__(
self.logger = get_module_logger("EnhancedIndexingStrategy")

self.riskmodel_root = riskmodel_root = market
self.turn_limit = turn_limit

self.factor_exp_path = name_mapping.get("factor_exp", self.FACTOR_EXP_NAME)
self.factor_cov_path = name_mapping.get("factor_cov", self.FACTOR_COV_NAME)
self.specific_risk_path = name_mapping.get("specific_risk", self.SPECIFIC_RISK_NAME)
self.blacklist_path = name_mapping.get("blacklist", self.BLACKLIST_NAME)

self.optimizer = EnhancedIndexingOptimizer(**optimizer_kwargs)
self.verbose = verbose
self._riskdata_cache = {}

def get_risk_data(self, date):
if date in self._riskdata_cache:
return self._riskdata_cache[date]

root = self.riskmodel_root + "/" + date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
if not os.path.exists(root):
return None

factor_exp = load_dataset(root + "/" + self.factor_exp_path, index_col=[0])
factor_cov = load_dataset(root + "/" + self.factor_cov_path, index_col=[0])
specific_risk = load_dataset(root + "/" + self.specific_risk_path, index_col=[0])

if not factor_exp.index.equals(specific_risk.index):
specific_risk = specific_risk.reindex(factor_exp.index, fill_value=specific_risk.max())

universe = factor_exp.index.tolist()
blacklist = []
if os.path.exists(root + "/" + self.blacklist_path):
blacklist = load_dataset(root + "/" + self.blacklist_path).index.tolist()

self._riskdata_cache[date] = factor_exp.values, factor_cov.values, specific_risk.values, universe, blacklist
return self._riskdata_cache[date]

def generate_target_weight_position(self, score, current, trade_start_time, trade_end_time):
trade_date = trade_start_time
pre_date = get_pre_trading_date(trade_date, future=True)

outs = self.get_risk_data(pre_date)
if outs is None:
self.logger.warning(f"No risk data for {pre_date:%Y-%m-%d}, skipping optimization")
return None

factor_exp, factor_cov, specific_risk, universe, blacklist = outs

# Align score with risk model universe
score = score.reindex(universe).fillna(score.min()).values

# Current portfolio weights
cur_weight = current.get_stock_weight_dict(only_stock=False)
cur_weight = np.array([cur_weight.get(stock, 0) for stock in universe])
cur_weight = cur_weight / self.get_risk_degree(trade_date)

# Benchmark weight
bench_weight = D.features(
D.instruments("all"), [f"${}_weight"], start_time=pre_date, end_time=pre_date
bench_weight.index = bench_weight.index.droplevel(level="datetime")
bench_weight = bench_weight.reindex(universe).fillna(0).values

# Track which stocks are tradable and which are blacklisted
tradable = D.features(D.instruments("all"), ["$volume"], start_time=pre_date, end_time=pre_date).squeeze()
tradable.index = tradable.index.droplevel(level="datetime")
tradable = tradable.reindex(universe).gt(0).values
mask_force_hold = ~tradable
mask_force_sell = np.array([stock in blacklist for stock in universe], dtype=bool)

# Optimize based on scores + factor model
weight = self.optimizer(

target_weight_position = {stock: w for stock, w in zip(universe, weight) if w > 0}

if self.verbose:"trade date: {trade_date:%Y-%m-%d}")"number of holding stocks: {len(target_weight_position)}")"total holding weight: {weight.sum():.6f}")

return target_weight_position

Key Points

  • Uses riskmodel_root to pull factor exposures, covariances, and specific risk estimates.
  • Combines your model scores with a benchmark weight to control tracking error via an optimizer.
  • Produces a final weight map, which Qlib then converts to buy/sell orders.


  • BaseSignalStrategy attaches prediction data to a strategy.
  • TopkDropoutStrategy implements a straightforward “buy top-K, drop worst-K” approach.
  • WeightStrategyBase generalizes weight-based rebalancing.
  • EnhancedIndexingStrategy is a powerful extension, combining active signals and passive indexing with risk control.

By customizing just a few methods or parameters, you can adapt these strategies to your own investing style. Simply feed your daily scores (prediction of returns) into Qlib, pick a strategy class, and let Qlib do the rest.

Happy Trading!